TAMU Users

Recreational Fishing Study Info:

Thank you for participating in our recreational fishing study. We, researchers from Texas A&M University and LGL Ecological Research Associates, are studying the ecological and economic value of oil and gas platforms to the recreational fishing sector. This project is funded by the NOAA Fisheries and provides critical information that will inform the management of recreational fishing in the Gulf of Mexico

You can be our lucky winner! We will randomly select 1 in every 25 anglers who use the app to receive a $500 prize.

Please use the Identify button to record the first 3 fish you catch at a each location in the water, and record all fish you retain.

Thanks for your help in our study. Have a good trip!

Get Help (Recreational Fishing Study):

Please let us know if you have any questions about the project or face any technical issues using the app.

Phone: 979-458-3643

Email:  RecFishingStudy@tamu.edu

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